David Carroll, Vice President of Public Policy and Government Relations at Southern California Grantmakers (SCG) David provides strategic leadership in the development, enhancement, and implementation of SCG’s policy advocacy and legislative agendas and leads the public policy and government affairs portfolio of Philanthropy California.
Lucy Salcido Carter, Public Policy Director at CalNonprofits  Lucy directs policy initiatives that protect and promote California’s nonprofits. Her work includes developing and implementing campaigns that encourage advocacy and civic engagement among CalNonprofits’ more than 10,000 members.
Crispin Delgado, Policy Director at Northern California Grantmakers (NCG) Crispin served as Program Officer for Blue Shield of California Foundation where he worked to advance value-based care policy efforts in California. He brings to NCG a vision for advancing equity and social justice through an exciting policy agenda for NCG, its members, and its community.
Nona Randois, California Director at the Alliance for Justice (AFJ) AFJ offers expert training, resources, and technical assistance to support nonprofits and foundations conducting advocacy. Nona is a thought leader who directs AFJ efforts to protect nonprofit advocacy rights in California.
Laura Seaman, CEO of the League of California Community Foundations
The League of California Community Foundations is a statewide association of 30 community foundations serving over 95% of the population of California. Prior to joining the League, Laura served as Associate Director of the Digital Civil Society Lab at the Stanford Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society.

The California Policy Forum is a partnership of CalNonprofits, Philanthropy California (Northern California Grantmakers, San Diego Grantmakers, and Southern California Grantmakers), and the League of California Community Foundations. The California Policy Forum not only provides a platform to bring together the voice of nonprofits and philanthropy in our state but also amplifies the sector’s significance and priorities to policymakers and experts.